Women's Homelessness: European Evidence Review
by Joanna Bretherton & Paula Mayock

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Since the authors of this review co-edited the 2016 volume Women’s Homelessness in Europe the evidence base has improved and the nature of the debate has changed. Now, more is known, more work is being done and, crucially, debates in policy and research have started to shift and change. This Evidence Review takes into account the recent available data on womens homelessness to draw useful conclusions on topics, including the nature and extent of women's homelessness in Europe, the dimensions of women's homelessness, the service experiences of homeless women and the service responses to women's homelessness, and provides an important point of departure for addressing and ultimately ending women's homelessness.
Want to learn more about women's homelessness? Also available is FEANTSA's Guide for developing effective gender-responsive support and solutions for women experiencing homelessness. The guide responds to the need for a gender lens in any approach to tackling homelessness and shines a light on the nuances of women's paths into and experiences of homelessness so that effective gender-responsive support and solutions for women experiencing homelessness might be developed.