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Who are the people without a home in Belgium's capital and what is life like for them? To try to find answer to these questions, a group of volunteers for the 400Toits campaign went to the streets of Brussels in June and interviewed almost 300 homeless people. The results of this survey were recently presented. 78% of the people interviewed sleep rough regularly.  One fourth of the participants was younger than 35, whereas 7% were older than 60. The majority were men (86%). A little over 20% were Belgian citizens. Shockingly, almost half of all participants said they had been attacked or beaten after they became homeless. 

Find out more here (in French).

Click here to read the full report (in French)

400Toits is a campaign by different organisations offering services to homeless people in Brussels. The goal is to provide stable housing solutions for 400 homeless people by 2020.

The 400 Toits campaign is part of the World Habitat Campaign to End Street Homelessness. You can find out more about it here.