Addressing Youth Homelessness & Exclusion:
Housing Solutions for Youth


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In a landscape where young people disproportionately grapple with poverty and discrimination, the risk of homelessness looms large, especially for those lacking family or social support.  At this particularly vulnerable point of transitioning from childhood to adulthood young people must enter highly competitive housing markets, with rising rents and limited affordable housing options. These elements establish a context of significant strain on young individuals, some of whom are unable to secure long-term adequate affordable housing as highlighted by the OECD report "No Home for the Young." Addressing these issues requires targeted interventions, with FEANTSA advocating for prevention, early intervention, and tailored support services to meet the unique housing needs of young people. This HSP report entitled ‘Addressing Youth Homelessness & Exclusion: housing solutions for young people’  aims to showcase examples of promising practices, recognizing their unique features and potential implications in addressing the housing challenges faced by young individuals.