FEANTSA Migration & Homelessness Newsletter


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Dear readers,

We trust you had a great start of the year! FEANTSA wishes you lots of strength to support people on the move in 2024!

This issue of the FEANTSA migration newsletter brings you the latest updates on the many developments which unfolded throughout the second half of 2023. At European level, December has been an intense month: the European Parliament and the Council of the EU have finally reached an agreement on the pending files of the Migration and Asylum Pact while the European Commission has launched the long awaited ‘Guidance on the right of free movement of EU citizens and their families’.

A new immigration law in France sparks debates as it brings new restrictions to migrants, meanwhile, migrants, asylum seekers and refugees continue to face homelessness and inadequate housing across Europe. FEANTSA members remain very engaged in supporting people fleeing the war in Ukraine, including third country nationals. Together with our members, FEANTSA organised a seminar at the European Parliament to discuss the right to free movement for all and highlighting the challenges faced by destitute mobile EU citizens in accessing their rights. In this newsletter you will be able to read about these issues and many more FEANTSA activities and general updates regarding migration, asylum and homelessness.

We hope you find these useful in your work! To reach out with suggestions or for information, please write to us at simona.barbu@feantsa.org.