• Front cover handbook 2018 - fead th 2.jpg

This Handbook presents the 2018 FEANTSA Ending Homelessness Award winners. These awards recognise projects contributing to the fight against homelessness which have been funded by the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD). They are part of FEANTSA’s Be Fair Europe – Stand up for Homeless People campaign, one aim of which is to promote the investment of EU funds in ending homelessness. This Handbook presents the background to the awards, the three winning projects, the importance of using funds such as the FEAD to tackle homelessness, lessons for 2021-2027 and an explanation of the selection process and the jury.
We hope that this material can inspire policymakers, Managing Authorities, project promotors, organisations working with homeless people and other stakeholders to use European instruments to improve the lives of people in the most excluded situations. We hope that this will inspire more and better takeup of the FEAD for tackling homelessness, and to contribute to building a post-2020 framework that really delivers on the commitment to leave no one behind by reaching out to homeless people. The 2018 Ending Homelessness Awards were awarded by Marian Harkin MEP on 6 November 2018.

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