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16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Towards Women and Girls 2022 FEANTSA Campaign

We started our #16Days campaign on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and ended it on 10 December, International Human Rights Day. 

During these 16 days, we shared messages showing the connection between gender-based violence and women's homelessness, providing information, research and resources on this topic. The aim of the campaign was to raise awareness and showcase ways to tackle gender-based violence in its relation to women's homelessness.

Access and dowload the messages of the campaign here.

On 6 December, we hosted a webinar on "Women's safety and protection from gender-based violence in mixed homelessness services - Supporting gender-based violence survivors when the perpetrator is present", where we welcomed Laura Slimani (Fondation des Femmes, France), Louisa Steele (Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse, UK) and Lucy Campbell (Single Homeless Project, UK) to discuss this very important topic. 


We would like to thank all of the professionals, activists, researchers and homelessness services who have contributed to our campaign by raising awareness, sharing best practices and providing knowledge on this very important topic! 
If you want to keep updated on the subject of women's homelessness, we warmly invite you to join our FEANTSA Women community of practice.