Health & Homelessness Newsletter


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Dear Readers,
We are pleased to share with you the latest edition of the FEANTSA Health & Homelessness newsletter. This is a publication that aims to bring you news about research into the health issues of people experiencing homelessness.
In this issue, you will read an article by Joan Uribe (Doctor in Social Anthropology and Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona) on ‘HOMELESSNESS, PANDEMIC AND PUBLIC POLICIES. Impact on quality of life, expectations for the future and… missed opportunities?’. Based on the European, Spanish and Barcelona city context, this paper aims to analyse how public authorities reacted to support people experiencing homelessness in the face of the emergency generated by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020. The author does so by identifying and discussing policies geared towards people’s survival and based on the guidelines designed through the perspective of public health.

In a period of approximately two years -2020 and 2021-, and despite the differences in approach depending on location, policies aimed at protecting people facing homelessness were implemented. Some of these policies increased risks at the same time, while opportunities of improvement were developed which do not seem to have been exploited or which have only been exploited on a very small scale.

The aim of this analysis is to offer a balance between the new strategies –and opportunities implemented during the pandemic in relation with the final discard of many of those policies, while focusing on what the expectations are for the near future.
FEANTSA would like to thank the author for his valued contribution to this edition of the newsletter.

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