The awards will be presented at the RegioStars Awards during the 2017 European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels, Belgium.
What are the awards?
2017 marks sixty years of the European Social Fund (ESF). To celebrate this anniversary, FEANTSA will be presenting gold, silver and bronze awards to innovative, sustainable ESF-funded projects that have improved the lives of homeless people since 2010.
Why are they being given?
FEANTSA hopes that the awards will be an opportunity to showcase the good work done with ESF, so that it can provide inspiration to Managing Authorities and beneficiaries to do more good work with ESF in the future. The awards are part of FEANTSA's Be Fair Europe - Stand up for Homeless People campaign, an aim of which is to promote the investment of EU funds in ending homelessness.
Who will decide?
The panel of judges for the awards will be made up of:
· Freek Spinnewijn – FEANTSA
· Marie-Anne Paraskevas – European Commission
· Caroline Van der Linden – Agence Fonds social européen, Belgium
· Sylvie Goulard, MEP – ALDE (TBC)
· Leo Williams - EAPN
. Denis Haveaux, Director, Red Cross EU Office
. Anna Ludwinek, Eurofound
Where and when will they be given?
The awards will be given at the Regiostars awards ceremony in Brussels on 10 October 2017, World Homelessness Day, and the winners will have the opportunity to present their projects at the 2018 FEANTSA Policy Conference as well as having their work included in a best practice handbook.