FEANTSA milestone   EU milestone
2017 - 2016 - 20142013 - 2012 - 2011 - 20102009 - 2008 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2002 - 1992 - 1989

Creation of FEANTSA

FEANTSA was created following the European Seminar on Poverty and Homelessness in Cork, Ireland four years earlier. The seminar ended with a recommendation for European funding for an association of organisations working with homeless people in the member states.


Creation of the European Observatory on Homelessness

The European Observatory on Homelessness was created in order to carry out policy-focused research to support the fight against homelessness– an integral part of FEANTSA's work.


Securing of core funding for FEANTSA from the European Commission

FEANTSA secured core funding from the European Commission following the launch of its Community Action Programme to combat social inclusion in 2002-2006.


Increase of FEANTSA membership to 100+ following enlargement of EU

See list of FEANTSA member map.


Creation of ETHOS

The European Typology of Homelessness and Housing Exclusion was created as a means of improving understanding and measurement of homelessness in Europe – a watershed moment which provided the homelessness sector, for the first time, with a common language for transnational exchanges. Read more about ETHOS.


Launch of European Journal of Homelessness

The European Journal of Homelessness is the only transnational academic journal on homelessness.


Collective Complaint FEANTSA v. France CC39/2006

This marked the first time that FEANTSA utilised the European Committee of Social Rights’ collective complaints procedure to allege violations by a country of the Council of Europe’s Revised Social Charter’s section on the Right to Housing (Article 31). The Complaint alleged that France had failed to implement the right to housing for all, and in particular in to meet the housing needs of the most vulnerable. The Complaint was upheld and demonstrated the Council’s willingness to pursue states who fail to meet Social Treaty obligations. This was the first in a series of successful Collective Complaints.


Creation of Housing Rights Watch

Housing Rights Watch is a European network of interdisciplinary group of associations, lawyers and academics from different countries, who are committed to promoting the right to housing for all. It enables FEANTSA to support strategic use of litigation to advance the fight against homelessness.


Adoption of Written Declaration by European Parliament on Ending Street Homelessness

On 22 April 2008, the European Parliament adopted its first ever Written Declaration on homelessness, calling for an end to street homelessness. It was signed by 438 MEPs from all political parties and European Member States.


Creation of HABITACT

HABITACT is a European exchange forum on local homeless strategies composed of 15 cities. It was launched by FEANTSA in June 2009.


Consensus Conference and publication of European Consensus on Homelessness

The European Consensus Conference on Homelessness was an innovative policy process seeking to establish common understandings on fundamental questions about homelessness in order to provide a basis for future policy progress. It was organised as part of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, during the European Year Against Poverty and Social Exclusion. Read the Conference Conclusions here.


Adoption of Written Declaration by European Parliament on an EU Homelessness Strategy

On 16 December 2010, the European Parliament adopted its second Written Declaration on homelessness, calling for an EU Homelessness Strategy. It was signed by 391 MEPs from all political parties and European Member States.


Joint Report on Social Protection & Social Inclusion

In March 2010, the European Commission and the Council of ministers adopted the 2010 Joint Report on social protection & social inclusion, an annual Joint Report reviewing the main trends in social protection and social inclusion across the EU. The Report called for the first time upon Member States to develop integrated homelessness strategies, putting forward elements for effective strategies.


Adoption of the Europe 2020 Strategy and EU’s first ever poverty target

In June 2010, the European Council (i.e. all 27 Heads of state and government) adopted the Europe 2020 strategy setting out priorities for the next decade. It including five headline targets including: "..promoting social inclusion, in particular through the reduction of poverty, by aiming to lift at least 20 million people out of the risk of poverty and exclusion."


Launch of the European Platform against Poverty (EPAP)

In the framework of the Europe 2020 Strategy, the EPAP was put forward as a framework for EU anti-poverty policies. Homelessness was one of the key priorities and several concrete actions were proposed. 


Committee of the Regions adopts opinion on combating homelessness

In October 2010, the CoR adopted an opinion calling on the EU to develop a European homelessness strategy.


European Economic and Social Committee issues opinion on homelessness

In October 2011, the EESC issued an own-initiative opinion on homelessness, the key points of which are: the EU should allocate more resources under the Structural Funds to tackle homelessness, the EU and the Member States should bear in mind that policies to combat homelessness must be based on the right to affordable, adequate housing.


EPSCO Conclusions

In June 2012, in its Conclusions on "Responding to demographic challenges through enhanced participation in the labour market and society by all", the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs (EPSCO) Council of the European Union, composed of Social Affairs Ministers from all EU Member States, invited the Member States and the European Commission to “develop and promote adequate schemes for persons who are homeless”.


Annual Growth Survey

In its Annual Growth Survey 2012, the European Commission identified increasing homelessness as a concerning social trend Since then, growing attention has been paid to homelessness in the European Semester process of economic and social policy coordination.


Publication of European Commission Social Investment Package

In February 2013, the European Commission launched its Social Investment Package (SIP). This aimed to reinforce efforts to deliver on the social inclusion objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy. Homelessness was one of the thematic priorities of the SIP. The Commission called on Member States to “confront homelessness through comprehensive strategies based on prevention, housing-led approaches and reviewing regulations and practices on eviction.” The package included for the first time detailed policy guidance on homelessness to inform these strategies.


Irish Presidency Roundtable on Homelessness

In March 2013, the Irish Presidency organised a Roundtable of ministers responsible for homelessness, and agreed 6 key principles that should inform homelessness strategies in the EU.


European Parliament resolution on an EU homelessness strategy

Building on the two previous Written Declarations, the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling for an EU homelessness strategy. Resolutions are not binding on the European Commission, but they nevertheless suggest a clear political desire on the side of the European Parliament.


European Commission proposes European Pillar of Social Rights

In March 2016, the European Commission published its proposals for a European Pillar of Social Rights which aims to support a deeper and fairer EMU, whilst strengthening Member States’ employment and social performance and helping to overcome the impact of the crisis. See FEANTSA’s position on the European Pillar of Social Rights.


Dutch Presidency of the EU launches EU Urban Agenda

In May 2016, the Dutch Presidency of the EU launched the EU Urban Agenda in order to stimulate growth, liveability and innovation in the cities of Europe and to identify and successfully tackle social challenges. FEANTSA was invited to be a member of the Urban Poverty Partnership and asked to be the coordinator of the Working Group on Homelessness.


European Parliament resolution on meeting the anti-poverty target in the light of increasing household costs

On 14 May 2016, the European Parliament passed a resolution on meeting the anti-poverty target in the light of increasing household costs. It called on the European Commission to address the problem of homelessness because it is currently inadequately captured in current data. 


European Parliament resolution on poverty: a gender perspective

On 26 May 2016, the European Parliament passed a resolution on the gender perspective of poverty. It reasserted the need to undertake research into female homelessness and its causes and drivers.


Over 300 MEPs sign a Written Declaration on an EU Homelessness Strategy

In July 2016, over 300 MEPs signed a European Parliament Written Declaration calling for the European Commission to develop an EU homelessness strategy. Although this was just short of the required majority for the Declaration to pass, it helped FEANTSA to build its network of supportive MEPs willing to push the homelessness agenda at the EU level. 


FEANTSA attends the Habitat III Conference in Quito

In October 2016, FEANTSA was invited to attend the Habitat III Conference in Quito and welcomed the outcome document, the New Urban Agenda, which called for measures to "prevent and eliminate homelessness" and for the "progressive realisation of the right to adequate housing."


European Parliament resolution on the situation of fundamental rights in the European Union in 2015

On 13 December 2016, the European Parliament passed a resolution on the situation of fundamental rights in the European Union in 2015. The resolution deplored the fact that the European Commission had failed to follow-up on previous European Parliament resolutions in 2011 and 2014 on an EU homelessness strategy and emphasised that the grounds for an EU homelessness strategy are still valid.


European Commission adopts EU-SILC module on homelessness

On 22 February 2017, the European Commission adopted a specific EU-SILC (large household survey) module on homelessness on material deprivation, which includes questions on past experiences of homelessness. Although the questions are optional, FEANTSA is hopeful that some Member States will use them. 


FEANTSA launches complaint before the European Commission 

On 15 June 2017, FEANTSA launched a complaint before the European Commission regarding the UK government’s unlawful deportation of rough sleepers on the basis that they are misusing their right to reside. In December 2017, the UK High Court judged that this was indeed unlawful. 


European Pillar of Social Rights proclaimed in Gothenburg

The European Pillar of Social Rights was proclaimed by the EU institutions and Member States and sets the framework for EU Social Policy for the foreseeable future. Of the 20 principles endorsed, principle 19 commits to providing “housing and assistance for the homeless.”