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Last week, Maria José Aldanas, FEANTSA Policy Officer working on the Right to Housing, attended an event in Barcelona entitled "Cities for the Right to Housing," which was hosted Ada Colau, the Mayor of Barcelona and Co-President of the Global Network of Cities, Local and Regional Governments. The meeting brought together local and regional housing policy experts  to reaffirm their commitment to housing as a human right and share experiences on making it a reality. 

Maria José presented the soon-to-be-launched Homeless Bill of Rights which provides a template for all European cities to adopt, recognising and vindicating the human rights of homeless people. Cities are invited to adopt this Bill which will be a non-legislative document highlighting all of the human rights which should be afforded to homeless people (and often are not in cities). Click here to find out more about the Homeless Bill of Rights.

Click here to read more about the event.

If you would like to find out more about FEANTSA's work on the right to housing, please email Maria José Aldanas.